Verse - Informasi Bursa, Market & Volume Trading.

Exchange NameVerse
Volume (24H)$31,030.35
0.290527 BTC
Established Year2022
Verse | Volume perdagangan bursa dalam 24 jam terakhir adalah $31,030.35 (0.290527 BTC). Bursa ini terdapat [supported-currencies] Crypto Ccurrencies (mata uang kripto / token) dan memiliki [trading-pairs] trading pairs (pasangan perdagangan).Berdasarkan Alexa, analisis traffic situs bursa ini memiliki peringkat [global-rank] di dunia. Situs bursa ini paling populer dikunjungi dari negara [popular-country], nilai peringkat di Alexa sekitar [popular-country-rank].

The Verse DEX, available at, is a full-featured decentralized exchange. It is a key component of the ecosystem, providing anyone in the world with a secure way to permissionlessly swap cryptocurrencies without having to rely on third-party custodians. You can also earn yield by providing liquidity to the Verse DEX. More information about VERSE token is available at

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