Nominex - Informasi Bursa, Market & Volume Trading.

Exchange NameNominex
Volume (24H)$36,534.87
0.358748 BTC
Established Year2019
Nominex | Volume perdagangan bursa dalam 24 jam terakhir adalah $36,534.87 (0.358748 BTC). Bursa ini terdapat [supported-currencies] Crypto Ccurrencies (mata uang kripto / token) dan memiliki [trading-pairs] trading pairs (pasangan perdagangan).Berdasarkan Alexa, analisis traffic situs bursa ini memiliki peringkat [global-rank] di dunia. Situs bursa ini paling populer dikunjungi dari negara [popular-country], nilai peringkat di Alexa sekitar [popular-country-rank].

New trading platform for convenient trading experience with low fees and numerous instruments.Absolutely unique affiliate program that allows to earn from an infinite number of referral levels, compared to 2-3 levels at all other exchanges.A unique model for the free 2 phases distribution of the native NMX token.Advanced Trading Instruments – using Stop, Stop Limit, Trailing Stop, Scaled and other types of orders brings some kind of trading automation without the need to develop a trading bot, which allows to easily get more profit while trading.

#CurrencyPairPriceVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score