Nash - Informasi Bursa, Market & Volume Trading.

Exchange NameNash
Volume (24H)$10,828.98
0.111306 BTC
Established Year2017
Nash | Volume perdagangan bursa dalam 24 jam terakhir adalah $10,828.98 (0.111306 BTC). Bursa ini terdapat [supported-currencies] Crypto Ccurrencies (mata uang kripto / token) dan memiliki [trading-pairs] trading pairs (pasangan perdagangan).Berdasarkan Alexa, analisis traffic situs bursa ini memiliki peringkat [global-rank] di dunia. Situs bursa ini paling populer dikunjungi dari negara [popular-country], nilai peringkat di Alexa sekitar [popular-country-rank].

Nash bridges the gap between crypto and your local currency. Our crypto/cash exchange service combines the lowest fees with instant delivery to the safest software wallet. With Nash Link for business, merchants can easily accept crypto from their customers and receive cash. Our digital banking services will seamlessly integrate traditional and decentralized finance (DeFi), with DeFi-powered high-interest savings and a crypto debit card.

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