Julswap - Informasi Bursa, Market & Volume Trading.

Exchange NameJulswap
Volume (24H)$1,873.13
0.027582 BTC
Established YearN/A
Julswap | Volume perdagangan bursa dalam 24 jam terakhir adalah $1,873.13 (0.027582 BTC). Bursa ini terdapat [supported-currencies] Crypto Ccurrencies (mata uang kripto / token) dan memiliki [trading-pairs] trading pairs (pasangan perdagangan).Berdasarkan Alexa, analisis traffic situs bursa ini memiliki peringkat [global-rank] di dunia. Situs bursa ini paling populer dikunjungi dari negara [popular-country], nilai peringkat di Alexa sekitar [popular-country-rank].

JulSwap (Previously as SwapLiquidity) is the equivalent of Uniswap on the Binance Smart Chain. SwapLiquidity offers the same Trading Engine and analytics as Uniswap and some additional features from Sushiswap. Key features include:Faster and cheaper Supported through the JustLiquidity Protocol Stake your JULb Tokens Based on the Binance Smart Chain Users can get their Token Bridge from ERC20 to BEP20 and use both chains

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